Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Is Unprocessed Cocoa Powder What Is The Secret Ingredient To Your Awesome Chili?

What is the secret ingredient to your awesome chili? - what is unprocessed cocoa powder

Mine is a teaspoon of natural (not processed) cocoa. Do not taste chocolately, but adds a deep richness of Nice.

As an ingredient, are your chili, and why? Is this a beer or a beer, what kind?

Thank you, and I promise ... I will tell anyone \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; Smile>


kanijas said...

I like the idea of cocoa!

I add red wine to my chili. It reduces the sugar to taste.

;) said...

I add half a cup of cornmeal. There are more body and flavor characteristics. My father has a little brown sugar. I will try in any case to the cocoa.

Thanks for the tip! ;)

Anne said...

A hint of cinnamon or two do not taste - like cinnamon, but it really brings the flavor of chili. I did it once, and my father said, the chili was perfect.

Cocoa powder hp ..... That sounds interesting. We will definitely try it!

JonEmBet... said...

, Cinnamon something. I tried again, and all crazy to find out what it was. I will certainly try your suggestion of cocoa powder. Thanks for the tip!

Mopar Muscle Gal said...

I also cocoa powder
Or a teaspoon of sugar

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